Wednesday, 3 September 2008

3 Terrific Spots for Link Unit Placement

This is the fifth article in the CTR Wednesdays series that is aimed at increasing your site’s CTR.
In the last article in this series you saw the best placement for ad units on your standard website. Today, you will see the 3 best spots where your little links units if placed will rake in some real cash.

Link units are great when it comes to monetizing small areas on your site without compromising on the design. These little units also have a multiplying effect on click through, as they don’t look like ads. These are different from ad units and do better if optimally placed in their on hot spots.

Navigation / Menu Bar
Most of your visitors will look at the navigation. So it makes perfect sense to keep a 486x15 or a 786x15 row unit just below the navigation. If you can blend the link unit to your site, you will find that this would look similar to your navigation or a menu item and would get clicked.
best row link unit placement

Side Bar
The top left part of the sidebar is where all visitors in variably too. The side bar mostly contains links. So when you place a 180x90 button link unit there, it will catch the eye. Now if you blend that well enough to look similar to your other links, you are done!
best button link unit placement

Page Bottom
Visitors who reach the bottom of your page are mostly people who read what you have on your page. After reading it, they may be in need for more information. There comes link unit to help you. With links related to your content and appearance similar to your sites links, a 486x15 or a 786x15 row link unit when placed below the content gets clicked often. This spot may be better monetizing if a 336x280 Large Rectangle is used. But if you have already used all 3 of your ad units at the prime positions, give this spot to your link unit and it will do the rest.

That said; you should do your bit of experimenting with ads and channels to arrive at the best placement for your site, as every site is different. And take care to keep your ads distinguishable from the rest of your links or be ready to face the Google hammer!

In the next post, we will see the best placement for Search box. Stay tuned!


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